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Monday, February 13, 2006

Helpful BACPA Information

Certificates of completion for the post-filing debtor education course must be filed by chapter 7 debtors within 45 days of their 341 hearing. Chapter 13 debtors have until their last payment under their plan to file their certificate.
Maintaining contact with your clients until they have submitted their debtor education certificate is crucial. If the certificate is not filed in a timely manner, it can have a serious negative consequence for your client. Although chapter 13 debtors have a longer time period in which to complete the debtor education requirement, the Institute recommends that clients should complete their debtor education program as soon as possible. Why? That debtor is more likely to be successful on their repayment plan. They are also less likely to “disappear” before the debtor education certificate is submitted.
Many chapter 13 Trustees are seeking approval by the USTs and BAs to provide debtor education programs, and will be providing those services free of charge to their chapter 13 debtors. Check with your local chapter 13 trustee to see if they are participating.
The cost of the debtor education program is $45.00 for a single debtor, $65.00 for a couple. This price includes the workbook, shipping and handling charges, and the newsletter for one year afterward.
The Institute for Financial Literacy is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization whose mission is to make effective financial literacy education available to all American adults. The Institute accomplishes this mission through partnership with other non-profit, educational and governmental organizations, and through direct delivery of service.
Attorneys who wish to have their clients’ counseling or debtor education certificates sent directly to them can register as Facilitators with the Institute. Registering as a Facilitator with the Institute has several advantages:
Control. You sign the client up for services, are provided updates on their status, and receive certificates directly from the Institute. Since you control the services your clients are signed up for, there won’t be any “surprise” charges.
Transparency. Every attorney who registers as a Facilitator has full access to the budget information provided by the client and all of the analysis and recommendations made by the Institute during the counseling session.
Confidence. Every Facilitator is encouraged to go through the online counseling and education programs themselves at no charge so they will know exactly what their clients will go through.
Retention. The Institute does not offer debt management programs, debt settlement, credit repair or similar services. Our focus is educating and assisting the client, not selling them a bankruptcy alternative.
Flexibility. Our programs can be delivered by telephone or internet, and can be mixed and matched to meet clients’ specific needs. Couples filing jointly can now go through our internet and telephone programs together at the same time if they want to, and clients can be given access to the online program in several different ways.
Client Fund Management. The Institute understands the importance of following bar rules regarding the management of client funds. The Institute offers a number of methods for collecting client funds from its Facilitators, including bulk credit card transactions, ACH/EFT transactions and paper invoicing. Fees are collected on a weekly basis.
Client Fees:
Pre-filing Credit Counseling: $40.00 for a single client, $60.00 for a client and spouse. Post-filing Debtor Education: $45.00 for a single client, $65.00 for a client and spouse.
Fill out the Facilitator registration form below and fax to 207-221-3691.
If you have any questions or would like to know more about our programs, call 1-866-662-4932.
Form must be signed regardless of fee collection method
PO Box 1842, Portland ME 04104PH 207-879-0389 FAX 207-221-3691 (no coversheet required) Name of Organization: _______________________________________________________________ Law Firm (y/n)? __ Name of Primary Facilitator: _____________________________________________________ Title: _________________ Phone: (_____) ____________________________ Ext. ___________ Fax: (_____) ______________________________ Administrative Email: _______________________________________________________________________________ In Office Counseling Email: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Mailing Address: Street City State Zip Code To ensure we have sufficient capacity, how many clients are you likely to refer for services each month, on average? _____ Judicial District(s) served by organization (if known):___________________________________________________________ Do you wish to participate in a training teleseminar? _____ Yes _____ No (participation highly recommended) Fee Collection Method: Please note: We are not charging Facilitators for services rendered to Clients. Facilitators are third parties that wish to help Clients sign up for services with the Institute. In order to smooth the process for Clients, Facilitators must agree to collect the Institute’s fee for services from the Client and hold those fees in trust (or escrow) until they are collected by the Institute. By signing this form the Facilitator acknowledges that they must collect the Institute’s fees and hold them in trust or escrow, and that they cannot charge the client additional fees related to the Institute’s services. It also allows the Facilitator to choose how they would like those Client fees held in trust or escrow to be collected by the Institute. The Institute for Financial Literacy provides services to clients without regard to the ability to pay. If a Facilitator believes that a Client is unable to pay for the Institute’s services, call the Institute at 1-866-662-4932 for instructions before signing the Client up for services. Select One: _____ Visa (debit/credit) _____ Master Card (debit/credit) _____ Paper Invoice Name as it appears on card: ______________________________________________________________________ Card Number (16 digits):____________________________________________ Expiration Date: ______/_______ Address Verification (address that credit/debit card statements are sent to, required by Financial Institution): Street: _________________________________________________________________City: _____________________________ State:_______ Zip Code:___________ By signing below, I authorize the Institute for Financial Literacy to collect fees from me using the method identified above on a weekly basis, in an amount to be determined based on the number and type of services that I have signed Clients up for during the relevant billing period. I will be provided with a list of these services itemized by Client and type of service on a weekly basis, regardless of fee collection method. __________________________________________________ ___________________ Authorized Signature Date Form must be signed regardless of fee collection method selected


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